第一章 单元测试

Which translation is the most appropriate version?( )三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮。
A:Three cobblers are as clever as Zhuge Liang.
B:Three cobblers with their wits combined equal Zhuge Liang the mastermind.
C:Three cobblers are the same as Zhuge Liang.
D:Three cobblers are equal to Zhuge Liang.
答案: 【Three cobblers with their wits combined equal Zhuge Liang the mastermind.

Which translation uses the technique of amplification?( )A book, tight shut, is but a block of paper.
答案: 【一本书,如果紧紧合上而不读,只是一叠废纸。

Which translation uses the technique of amplification?( )Success is often just an idea away.
答案: 【成功与否往往只是一念之差。

Which translation is the most appropriate version?( )水冷却到一定程度便结成冰。
A:Cold water can become ice.
B:Enough cold water can be ice.
C:Water is cold enough to be ice.
D:If water is cold enough, it changes to ice.
答案: 【If water is cold enough, it changes to ice.

Which mark in the following statements is incorrectly used?( )水冷却到一定程度便结成冰。
A:My new phone has a camera; my last one didn’t even have voicemail.
B:“Now is the time to yield to temptation”, my horoscope read.
C:The store will close at noon on the following dates: November 26, December 24, and December 31.
D:The pardon from the governor finally arrived—too late.
答案: 【“Now is the time to yield to temptation”, my horoscope read.

第二章 单元测试

Which word means the fear of height? ( )
B:Social phobia
C:Water phobia
答案: 【Acrophobia

Which of the following expressions does Not mean fear?( )
A:Palms get sweaty
B:Break out in a cold sweat
C:Feel a shiver running down one’s spine
D:Be over the moon
答案: 【Be over the moon

Which is the most suitable translation for the sentence “我还清晰地记得和他第一次见面的情形。” ( )
A:I still remember clearly the situation of my first meeting with him
B:I still remember clearly the circumstance of my first meeting with him.
C:I still remember clearly the situation of the first time I met him.
D:I still remember clearly the first time I met him.
答案: 【I still remember clearly the first time I met him.

Which is a correct sentence? ( )
A:My son keeps several pets including hamsters and mice in his room.
B:Knowing that she had not finished the book. Mary was very nervous about going to class.
C:After I cashed my paycheck. I treated myself to dinner.
D:Alice loved getting wedding presents. But hated writing thank-you note.
答案: 【My son keeps several pets including hamsters and mice in his room.

Can you find out all the fragments in the following paragraph by choosing the letter in front of each sentence? ( )
A:It usually consists of sledding.
B:Parents begin to feel guilty that their kids are not learning anything; this begins a tug-o-war.
C:For children in areas that get snow.
D:This is especially true if days two through four are very cold.
E:Making snowmen, drinking hot chocolate, and watching movies.
F:The final stage for parents is despair
G:Reality sets in and despondency grows in the parents.
H:And studying suggested.
I:But often lead into cabin fever, boredom, and frustration.
J:There are stages of snow days.
A:If school is reopened, family sanity can be saved.
B:As the kids grow more and more restless.
C:Although movies are still an option.
D:The first day is always fun, exciting, and filled with possibilities.
E:However, if more snow days occur.
F:Days two through four continue with the initial excitement with day one.
G:If the first day is followed by more.
H:The kids know they have been given a gift of a day away from school.
答案: 【For children in areas that get snow.;
Making snowmen, drinking hot chocolate, and watching movies.;
And studying suggested.;
But often lead into cabin fever, boredom, and frustration.;
As the kids grow more and more restless.;
Although movies are still an option.;
However, if more snow days occur.;
If the first day is followed by more.


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