第一章 单元测试

Which of the following statements about Keynes' contribution to macroeconomics is correct? ( )
A:all of the above
B:none of the above
C:Keynes argued that balancing the budget could be an effective way to cure a recession or depression.
D:although he published his most important ideas about the economy long before the 1930s, few economists paid attention to Keynes until the Great Depression proved him correct.
E:Keynes argued that depressions and recessions were almost always caused by changes in the money supply.
答案: 【none of the above

According to Keynes ( )
A:balancing the budget in the midst of a depression would be a serious mistake.
B:the Phillips curve is stable.
C:the Great Depression was caused by ill-considered expansionary fiscal policy.
D:none of the above
E:inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon.
答案: 【balancing the budget in the midst of a depression would be a serious mistake.

The neoclassical synthesis ( )
A:held that economy always operated at or very near the natural rate of unemployment.
B:rejected virtually all of Keynes' insights.
C:held that econometric models of the economy could not be used to predict the future.
D:was the dominant school of thought among economists in the 1950s and 1960s.
E:was a name coined by Keynes himself for his new theories.
答案: 【was the dominant school of thought among economists in the 1950s and 1960s.

Liquidity preference refers to ( )
A:the controversy sparked by the Lucas critique.
B:Keynes' name for the demand for money.
C:monetarists explanations for stagflation.
D:the "random walk" behavior of consumption spending.
E:real business cycle theorists' explanations for stagflation.
答案: 【Keynes' name for the demand for money.

Which of the following was not part of the neoclassical synthesis? ( )
A:rational expectations
B:the LM curve
C:aggregate demand
D:the IS curve
E:the Phillips curve
答案: 【rational expectations

第二章 单元测试

Fill in the blank for the following: GDP is the value of all ________ produced in a given period.( )
A:all of the above
B:final and intermediate goods and services produced by the private sector only
C:final and intermediate goods and services, plus raw materials
D:none of the above
E:final goods and services
答案: 【final goods and services

Suppose nominal GDP increased in a given year. Based on this information, we know with certainty that ( )
A:the price level (GDP deflator) has increased.
B:real output has increased and the price level has decreased.
C:real output has increased.
D:real output and the price level (GDP deflator) have both increased.
E:either real output or the price level (GDP deflator) have increased.
答案: 【either real output or the price level (GDP deflator) have increased.

A firm's value added equals ( )
A:its revenue minus its wages and profit.
B:its revenue minus its cost of intermediate goods.
C:its revenue minus its wages.
D:its revenue minus all of its costs.
E:none of the above
答案: 【its revenue minus its cost of intermediate goods.

Which of the following tends to occur when the unemployment rate increases?( )
A:a reduction in the labor force participation rate
B:none of the above
C:an increase in the number of employed workers
D:a reduction in the number of discouraged workers
E:all of the above
答案: 【a reduction in the labor force participation rate

Macroeconomists are concerned about changes in the unemployment rate because changes in the unemployment rate provide information about ( )
A:the state of the economy.
B:the welfare of those who are unemployed.
C:both A and B
D:none of the above
答案: 【both A and B


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